November Recap
November in LTA
In the month of November, we learned about how people did things in the past and how people do things in the present. In our housekeeping center, students practiced washing clothes in a washing machine like we see today, cooking food in an oven, and getting water from our pretend sink. In our rotating pretend play, students practiced getting water from the river, washing clothes in a wash bin and hanging them to dry, and cooking food over a fire. Our stories we read focused on the past and present. We practiced identifying events and details throughout stories, finding various text features, and differentiating between words and pictures. In math, we did all things shapes. Students' main focus was sorting shapes of the same size and color into groups. In social studies, we learned about goods, services, supply, and demand. Our specials this month have been a blast. We had so much fun visiting our Frankie Friends at Ravenscroft and can't wait to visit them again soon. This month we celebrated Kathryn's birthday, Henry losing a tooth, Monroe having his first wiggly tooth, and Daniel getting a communication device! We look forward to all of the fun and celebrations to come in the month of December!
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